Friday, January 30, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

i got 16 WPM.

i got to lesson 5

i won a million h

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rag's to Riches

Reviewing Rag's to Riches/QUIA  is important because it helps me to improve my vocabulary and to feed the poor. By helping me get more vocabulary I well  be ahead of the average. I am doing better in my E.L.A. class thanks to the games. I plan to continue to do the game and make a better future for me.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why IDEA Misson

I choose IDEA Misson because of a lot of reasons. For one reason is that I wanted a new start from my old school because there was way too much drama. I had got into it and I felt like there was no way out but then my mom told me about IDEA and that I might go. I was sad and didn't want to go until later. I thought of all my friends that I would miss but then I thought of all the friends I could make. Also the academics from my school sucked like hard core. I felt like I wasn't learning anything there plus it was that you had to be the top of the school to get anywhere.
But there was a thing that stop me a little bit from wanting to come here and that was that I found out that they didn't have much sports and the buildings weren't even complected. I had a case of the worst scenario. I thought that there would be a lot of stick rules that would drive me insane. To me every thing at this school seemed the complete opposite of what  i wanted in a school. I had completely refused to go!
School had ended and it was summer, my mom still trying to convince me to go. I didn't want to go but I was changing my mind slowly and bit by bit. By the time of reregistration I had descided to stay at IDEA instead at my old old school, De Zavala. That is why I came to IDEA and i plan to stay.

help me type

Techconnect can help me learn how to type by its fun typing programs like the speed drills. It tells you where to place your fingers to press the keys. By learning how to type I can benefit my future because most jobs require you to type properly. Also if I learn how to type I can type my essays a lot faster than if I didn't. So if I learn how to type I well accomplish great things.